Appeal Changes for 2017 Firmed Up

Recent Government announcements can be viewed here

The Government is now committed to the Check, Challenge, Appeal (CCA) process for 2017 and beyond, setting ratepayers on a pathway which could take ratepayers over 3 years to negotiate, with a Valuation Tribunal Hearing at the end. Although the Government make splendid noises about the pathway being much shorter in practice, it is noted that they also have plans to allow time extensions to the 2 critical steps under their control. These steps currently allow 12 and 18 months respectively (as opposed to the 2 ratepayer steps of 4 months each, which cannot be extended), so we don’t think it unlikely that major delays in resolving appeals could last until 2020 at least.

We are also unhappy that the ratepayer is required to present all evidence at the start of Challenge, and will be disbarred from presenting new evidence at VT other than in exceptional circumstances -whereas the Valuation Officer will not have to substantiate the assessment until challenge is underway.

Ratepayers will also be required to pay fees of up to £300 to gain entrance to the Appeal part of the system.