Large Industrial Complexes

MUA’s origins are to be found in representing large industrial organisations on the Rating of Plant and Machinery.

We have specialist knowledge in the valuation of industrial complexes where the rating assessment is obtained via the Contractors Test Method of valuation.

Briefly, this requires the Surveyor to value the property having regard to the estimated capital cost of replacing the buildings and items of plant and machinery. The costs are discounted to reflect age and obsolescence. A separate capital value is added for the land.

MUA represents the United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA) in negotiating and agreeing costs of plant and machinery with the Valuation Office Agency and has been responsible for obtaining reductions on bulk liquid storage tank valuations.

The type of property MUA advises on includes Fawley Oil Refinery, the National Air Traffic Control Centre , breweries, pipelines and a number of bulk liquid storage terminals throughout the UK